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Your Personal Data is Under Protection!

We respect your private life and privacy.

For that reason, in order to ensure that your fundamental rights are protected, we would like to inform you about how your data is utilized and protected further to the Personal Data Protection Act Law No:6698 (the Act).

The Overall Scope of the Act.

In the Act, we are identified as a “Data Controller”. The Act defines data processing as: any operation which is performed on personal data, wholly or partially by automated means or non-automated means which provided that form part of a data filing system, such as collection, recording, storage, protection, alteration, adaptation, disclosure, transfer, retrieval, making available for collection, sharing with third parties categorization, preventing the use thereof.

The Reasons For Processing Your Personal Data.

As per the products and services you may acquire from our organization, we process yours personal data further to the 5th article of the Act:

Explicit envision by the laws as set out by the article 5/2 (a), Processing of personal data of the parties of a contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract which you may have signed with us as set out by the article 5/2 (c), It is necessary for us to be in compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject as set out by the article 5/2 (ç), Data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right as set out by the article 5/2 (e) Processing of data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject as set out by the article 5/2 (f) Your’s explicit consent as per your’s Special categories of personal data as set out by the article 6/2.

Why and What For Are We Using Your Personal Data? The Reasons For Processing Your Personal Data*

To provide investment services and relative auxiliary services via all distribution channels such as digital banking and investment channels, especially for our brokerage, investment consultancy, clearing and custodian services, credited transactions, and generic investment advise, Saving your identity, address, and other necessary information used in yours transactions, To communicate your’s important contact informations which we need to share with you, Production of all necessary records and documents, including the processing of your location information, in order to be able to carry out your transactions on paper and verbal media and in electronic banking (internet banking and investment channels, mobile banking and investment channels ATM, telephone) of our institution or our Transmitter of Orders, To inform or report to public authorities which we have a legal duty to share information with, such as BDDK, TCMB, MASAK, GİB, SPK,TSBP, SPL, Borsa İstanbul, Takasbank, Yatırımcı Tazmin Merkezi ve TBB Risk Center, If you have permission, to use in the provision of our products and services, which are within the scope of the Act and which are out of your purpose of being a customer of our Institution, to plan and implement special product, service, offer activities for you, to perform product, service, working model offers, profiling and segmentation, creating an internal target, scoring and risk analysis, managing customer relations, using in-house performance monitoring and analysis studies, designing statistical studies and financial service delivery models, conducting market research, To record camera footages in our branches, regional directorates and headquarters buildings due to workplace security practices, Planning, controlling and implementing our corporate sustainability, corporate management, strategic planning and information security processes, To fulfill our administrative and legal obligations and the contracts we have signed with you.

With Whom and For What Purposes Do We Share Your Personal Data?

If necessary, we will only share your personal data with individuals and organizations permitted by the Act. These people and institutions are listed as follows: In order to carry out financial activities, the persons permitted by the Capital Markets Law and legislation, institutions, institutions considered as financial institutions and other third parties, due to the legal reporting required to be made, such as BDDK, CBRT, MASAK, GİB, SPK, SPL. Public institutions such as TSBP, Borsa İstanbul, Takasbank and Investor Compensation Center and TBB Risk Center, our main shareholder, other persons in the same group of companies as our main shareholder, third parties we intermediate, our subsidiaries and affiliates (For example, T.Garanti Bank A.Ş. Garanti Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş., Garanti Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş.) are program partner organizations, domestic and foreign banks, and other financial institutions with which we receive or cooperate to carry out our capital market activities.

Where Can We Access Your Personal Data?

Your personal data The channels such as the Head Office, Branches, kiosks, ATMs, Customer Communication Center, Garanti BBVA Mobile and Internet Branch, which are available for you to make transactions at our institution and brokerage firms, order platforms, websites, public institutions and organizations. It can be collected in verbal, written or electronic media through system integrations (such as Identity Sharing System) shared with.

What Are Your Rights Under the Act?

By applying to our Institution at any time:

You can learn whether it is processed, whether it is used according to its purpose and purpose, and if it is processed, ask for information about it, You can learn the third parties that your information is shared in Turkey and abroad in accordance with the law, If you think your information is incomplete or incorrectly processed, you can request that it be corrected, You can request that your information be deleted or destroyed within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Act, You may request that your requests specified in articles (c) and (d) be notified to third parties to whom your information has been transferred and to perform the same transactions, You may object to the emergence of a result against you due to the analysis of your information with automated systems, or if you think that it has been recorded or used against the law and if you have been harmed for this reason, you may claim damages,for your personal data,

If your application for these purposes requires an additional cost, you may need to pay the fee amount in the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Your requests in your application will be finalized as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request.

In order to exercise your rights under the Act, you can send your applications in writing via your registered electronic mail (REM) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or your e-mail address, which you have previously notified to our Institution and registered in our institution's system. You can visit the web page of Personal Data Protection Authority for more information.

* Our organization will update this information in case of any change in the personal data inventory study.

In the event that there is a discrepancy between the Turkish and English versions, the Turkish version shall prevail.

I have read, understood, been informed about, and accepted the explanations given hereinabove.

Lista Forex 2

Tečajna lista, tečaj eura, tečaj dolara, tečaj franka i funte. su ovaj mjesec pronašle najpovoljniji tečaj u mjenjačnici na Volovčici, Ivanićgradska 63. Za informacije o tečaju nazovite ih na broj: 099/7310-752 ili posjetite njihovu Web adresu: www.Mjenjacnica.NET. su ovaj mjesec pronašle najpovoljniji tečaj u mjenjačnici na Volovčici, Ivanićgradska 63. Za informacije o tečaju nazovite ih na broj: 099/7310-752 ili posjetite njihovu Web adresu: www.Mjenjacnica.NET.

Tečajna lista Hrvatske narodne banke broj: | Datum izrade: . . . godine | Tečaj se primjenjuje od: . . . godine.

Tečajna lista Hrvatske narodne banke broj: Datum izrade: . . . godine Tečaj se primjenjuje od: . . . godine.

Napomena: Svi izračuni se baziraju na srednjem tečaju HNB-a.

Tečajna lista.

Tečajna lista je pokazatelj ekonomske snage određene valute, te stanja u gospodarstvu i politici određene zemlje. Jako puno faktora određuje kakva će biti tečajna lista, to određuju razne gospodarske i financijske smjernice koje vladaju našim globalnim selom te na taj način određuju odnos jedne valute prema drugoj.

Npr. kada su SAD-e ušle u rat protiv Iraka trenutno je dolar ojačao u odnosu na veći broj drugih svjetskih valuta, ali nakon što je prošlo par godina, činjenica da u Iraku i dalje vlada nestabilnost, tečaj dolara je zbog toga osjetio stanoviti pad. Sada kada je veliki broj američkih firmi dobio priliku da posluje u Iraku snaga dolara je porasla!

Eto to je jedan banalan primjer za laike što sve može rezultirati promjenom tečaja određene valute u odnosu na drugu. Ovdje na stranici imate konverter valuta koji vam vjerno prikazuje tečajnu listu i na njemu možete vidjeti koliko dobijate prilikom promjene određene valute u drugu valutu!

Tečaj eura.

Ugled Europske Zajednice uvelike ovisi i o tome kakav je tečaj eura. Euro je valuta koju je većina zemalja članica europske unije prihvatila kao svoj jedini novac. Euro je jedina službena valuta u 17 europskih zemalja. Oko 330 000 000 ljudi koristi euro kao svoju valutu. Predviđa se da će tečaj eura dodatno ojačati kada ga uvedu i druge zemlje koje čekaju na punopravno članstvo u Europskoj Zajednici. Kada je euro uveden, 1. siječnja, 1999. postao je sluľbena valuta u 11 tadašnjih zemalja članica i zamijenio njihove tadašnje službene valute.

Tečajne liste tada su se stubokom promijenile i tečaj eura postao je relevantan pokazatelj snage europske ekonomije. Zanimljivo je da je euro uveden u dva stadija; najprije kao virtualna valuta za bezgotovinsko plaćanje, dok su se stare valute koristile za gotovinsko plaćanje. 1. siječnja 2002. na financijskom su se tržištu prvi put pojavile papirnate novčanice i kovanice eura.

Dvije zemlje članice zatražile su klauzulu koja im omogućuje da budu izuzete od uvođenja eura kao jedine valute; to su Velika Britanija i Danska. Mnoge nove zemlje članice trebaju još zadovoljiti neke uvjete da bi euro postao i njihova jedina valuta. Sve zemlje članice EU-a su dio Ekonomske i Monetarne Unije (EMU) koja je zapravo napredni stupanj ekonomske integracije koji se temelji na jedinstvenom tržištu. EMU podrazumijeva blisku suradnju ekonomske i fiskalne zajednice i, za one zemlje koje ispunjavaju određene uvjete, jedinstvenu monetarnu politiku i jedinstvenu valutu - euro. Kada je euro nastao, osnovana je nezavisna financijska institucija pod nazivom Europska Centralna Banka (ECB) čiji je zadatak nadležnost za upravljanje tom valutom i tečajem eura. Središnje nacionalne banke zemalja članica također su usvojile euro.

Fiskalne odluke (porez i potroąnja) ostale su u nadleľnosti srediąnjih nacionalnih banaka. One su također zadrľale punu odgovornost za svoju strukturnu politiku (rad, mirovine i glavna trľiąta) ali postoji dogovor da će sve stremit k istim ciljevima - stabilnosti, gospodarskom rastu i zapoąljavanju. Osim spomenutih 330 000 000 ljudi, euro koriste i druge zemlje kao što su bliski susjedi zemalja članica i bivše kolonije iz praktičnih razloga. Stoga ne iznenađuje činjenica da je euro jako brzo postao druga po važnosti svjetska valuta nakon američkog dolara i da se tečaj eura sa zanimanjem prati na svim svjetskim tržištima.

Tečaj dolara.

Tečaj američkog dolara sa posebnom pažnjom prate naši pomorci čija su primanja izražena upravo u američkim dolarima. Čak i oni koji se ne koriste američkim dolarom svjesni su da tečaj američkog dolara utječe na globalnu ekonomiju. Zbog čega je američki dolar toliko važna valuta?

Postoji nekoliko glavnih razloga za ovakav položaj dolara na svjetskom tržištu. Prvi razlog zaslužan za to što je američki dolar na tronu svjetskog monetarnog tržišta je taj što je on dio svih najčešće razmjenjivanih parova valuta. Prema Banci Međunarodne Novčane Razmjene, ovi parovi valuta čine ukupno 67% dnevnog prometa novca na forex burzi. Pridodamo li tome razmjenu drugih valuta u dolar i obrnuto, dobit ćemo impresivnih 89%.

Ti parovi valuta su:

EUR/USD 27% USD/JPY 13% USD/GBP 12% USD/AUD 6% USD/CHF 5% USD/CAD 4% USD/SEK 2% USD/Druge valute 19%

Ovo je jedan od razloga zašto se tečaj američkog dolara tako pomno prati na svjetskom financijskom tržištu. Drugi je razlog najvišem položaju dolara na svjetskom tržištu taj što je američki dolar još uvijek vodeća valuta svjetskih monetarnih rezervi.

Računa se da je više od 63% svih svjetskih monetarnih rezervi u američkim dolarima. Novčana rezerva je novac koji, u većim količinama, imaju vlade/nacionalne banke zemalja u kojima navedena valuta nije službeno sredstvo plaćanja. Zemlje imaju rezervne valute da bi mogle kupovati robu čija je cijena izraľena u toj valuti po jeftinijem tečaju nego kad bi razmjenjivale novac svoje zemlje u rezervnu valutu.

Novčane rezerve su vaľne i za pozajmice među zemljama, jer je veća vjerojatnost da će jedna zemlja pozajmiti novac drugoj ako ova ima značajne rezerve u nekoj snažnoj valuti. Neke zemlje (najpoznatiji primjer je Kina) imaju velike rezerve američkog dolara da bi na taj način vezale tečaj svoje valute za njegov i stabilizirale ga, ili da bi time na umjetan način zadržale niske vrijednosti svoje valute kako bi cijene svoje robe učinili konkurentnijima u inozemstvu.

Dalje, mnoge privatne tvrtke i pojedinci koji nisu smješteni u SAD-u imaju zalihe američkog dolara za trgovinu. Bilo da se radi o tome da oni američki dolar smatraju stabilnijim od svojih valuta, ili iz nekog drugog razloga.

Tečaj američkog dolara imaju, dakle, na oku mnoge tvrtke i poslovni ljudi. Pošto je dolar glavna valuta svjetskih rezervi, 2/3 svih američkih dolara puštenih u promet, nalazi se izvan SAD-a.

Još jedan bitan razlog važnosti tečaja američkog dolara je, naravno, cijena najtraženijih svjetskih sirovina, koja se izražava u dolarima. Cijene sirovina kao što su nafta, srebro i zlato redovito su izražene upravo u američkim dolarima.

Tečaj franke.

Švicarski franak je valuta koja se kao sredstvo plaćanja koristi u Švicarskoj i Linheštajnu.Prošlih smo godina i sami doživjeli neugodno iznenađenje te udar na svoj budžet – radilo se, naravno, o onim Hrvatima čiji su krediti valutnom klauzulom bili vezani za tečaj švicarskog franka. Švicarski je franak prošle godine dosegnuo magičnu granicu od 1,20 švicarskih franaka za jedan euro. Tečaj švicarskog franka nije zadavao financijske probleme samo Hrvatima, već je cijela Europa bila pogođena ovim neočekivanim porastom. Do porasta tečaja švicarske franke došlo je uglavnom zbog rastuće krize u američkom i europskom gospodarstvu. S obzirom na nerede u Grčkoj koja se zadužila preko svih granica i Španjolskoj koja je također pala kao žrtva opće gospodarske krize­nije uopće čudno da je takva nestabilna potička i ekonomska situacija u Europi dovela do sve veće potražnje za frankom na svjetskoj razini, koji, dakako, slovi kao najstabilnija i najsigurnija svjetska valuta a što je za posljedicu imalo i rast tečaja švicarskog franka. Mešetari na financijskim tržištima su upravo u švicarskom franku vidjeli valutu koja će ostati stabilna čak i ako euro propadne. Tako je švicarski franak od omiljene i stabilne valute mnogih postao europski neprijatelj broj 1 i jedna od volatilnijh valuta toga vremena sa čestim promjenama tečaja švicarskog franka.

Švicarska kao državaje u povijesti bila poznata po bankarstvu. Neutralna zona u doba željezne zavjese bila je poprilično sigurno utočište za novac mnogih kompanija, poslovnih ljudi i komercijalnih banaka. Još prije više od 300 godina švicarski su se bankari obavezali na diskreciju vezanu za vlasnike računa u njihovim bankama, pa su tako u njima svoj novac mogli držati svi – od utajivača poreza do predsjednika država i središnjih banaka po najpovoljnijim uvjetima.

Švicarske banke su postale sinonim među plemstvom koje je svoj novac krilo bježeći od bijesnih revolucionara. Opće je poznata je činjenica da su nacisti čuvali zlato koje su opljačkali u svojim pohodima upravo u švicarskim bankama. Švicarska svoj ugled duguje upravo novcu, pa stoga ne čudi da je švicarski franak oduvijek bio jako poželjna valuta i da je njegov tečaj bio konzervativno stabilan. Jedno od rijetkih razdoblja u povijesti kada je tečaj franke doživio pad bilo je razdoblje velike depresije 1939. godine kada je u samo jednom danu devalvirao za čak 30%.

Za stabilnost tečaja švicarskog franka zadužena je Švicarska Narodna Banka koja grčevito brani franak od špekulanata koji žele na umjetan način sniziti njegov tečaj kako bi se euro održao stabilnim te na taj način pomoći švicarskoj nacionalnoj ekonomiji da lakše prebrodi krizno radoblje.

Bez obzira kako bilo, popularni je švicarski franak jedna od najstabilnijih europskih valuta i zauzima visoko mjesto na svjetskim financijskim tržištima. Bez sumnje da će njegov tečaj ostati visok, pa je preporučljivo ne dizati kredite koji su vezani za tečaj švicarskog franka, dok je štednja u francima preporučljiva barem u ovom trenutnom razdoblju dok se financijska tržišta ne konsolidiraju.

Tečaj funte.

Engleska funta, čija je međunarodna oznaka GBP, nalazi se na četvrtom mjestu najtrgovanije svjetske valute – odmah iza američkog dolara, eura i japanskog jena. Informacije o tečaju engleske funte jako su bitne za mnoge poslovne ljude i kompanije koje aktivno sudjeluju na međunarodnim tržištima. Engleska je funta je zato jedna od financijski a ujedno i ekonomski, najvažnijih valuta na svijetu.

Od vremena uvođenja eura u Engleskoj traju rasprave o tome je li bilo mudro zadržati englesku funtu. Engleska tj.Velika Britanija vjerojatno izgleda poprilično čudno članicama Eurozone, iz razloga jer je usprkos ostalim članicama i pritiscima odlučila zadržati englesku funtu kao svoju službenu valutu. Međutim, vrijeme će pokazati da je ta odluka bila dobra za Veliku Britaniju jer je na međunarodnom tržištu poznatom kao forex, engleska funta jedna od najcjenjenijih valuta te ujedno jedna od najlikvidnijih valuta svijeta . Zasigurno se pitate što je to forex. Najjednostavnije rečeno forex je najveća mjenjačnica na svijetu. Znači, to je ogromna burza na kojoj se jedne valute mijenjaju za druge i tako pomažu odrediti tečaj pojedinih svjetskih valuta.

Engleska je funta nekada bila broj jedan svjetska valuta i zauzimala je položaj koji je danas na financijskom tržištu preuzeo američki dolar. Ova činjenica ni malo ne iznenađuje ako uzmemo u obzir da je Velika Britanija bila jedna od najvećih kolonijalnih sila u povijesti. Nakon završetka II svjetskog rata i raspada svojeg globalnog britanskog "carstva", engleska funta je izgubila vodeću poziciju na svjetskom financijskom tržištu.

Funta je podijeljena na 100 penija te je najstarija svjetska valuta koja se još uvijek upotrebljava. Oznaka za peni je p, a za funtu £. Engleska Funta se proteže još od vladavine kralja Offa od Mercia (757­96) koji je uveo i srebrni peni.

Sudeći po bruto nacionalnom dohotku za 2012. godinu, Engleska je bila šesta po redu svjetska ekonomska sila. U posljednjih 20 godina u ovoj se zemlji mjerio samo gospodarski rast.

Zasigurno, globalna ekonomska kriza je i u Engleskoj ostavila negativne posljedice, ali one nisu ni približno toliko velike kao one koje su osjetile ostale ekonomske sile.

Kao valuta, izraz funta potječe od vrijednosti visoke čistoće srebra poznatog kao prvoklasno srebro dok se za izračunavanje tečaja neke valute ekonomski načini koriste jako mali broj varijabli, ponekad i samo jednu varijablu (kao što su npr kamate), dok međunarodni trgovci uzimaju u obzir puno veći broj varijabli. Tečaj engleske funte na forexu tako ovisi o bruto nacionalnom dohotku, veletrgovini, industriji, inflaciji, stanju ekonomije općenito te mnogim drugim faktorima.

Još je jedna činjenica zaslužna što je tečaj engleske funte tako stabilan u ovim "opasnim" vremenima – a to je da je engleska funta treća valuta za novčane rezerve ukupno na svijetu.

Postotak neke valute u svjetskim novčanim rezervama pomaže odrediti njen tečaj na način da što je engleska funta stabilnija, to više zemalja svoje novčane rezerve drži upravo u toj valuti.

Po svemu sudeći Engleskoj se funti otvara put za uspješnu budućnost.

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GFF23 : 183.625s (+0.51%)

GFH23 : 186.300s (+0.35%)

Red Close for Wheat Prices Barchart - Mon Jan 9, 4:29PM CST Wheats faded their midday gains on Monday and closed fractionally mixed but mostly lower. Chicago prices were fractionally to 2 cents in the red at the bell. March SRW traded in a 17 3/4 cent range on.

Soybeans Close Lower after Afternoon Weakness Barchart - Mon Jan 9, 4:29PM CST The soy market faded midday gains going into the Monday close. Beans ended the day with a 2 cent gain for in-delivery Jan, but 4 to 6 1/2 cent losses across the other front months. March soybeans printed.

Forex logo 3

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Risk warning: Trading Forex (foreign exchange) or CFDs (contracts for difference) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment. Therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you cannot afford to lose. Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd, Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd, Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd, Admirals AU Pty Ltd and Admirals SA (PTY) Ltd services, please acknowledge all of the risks associated with trading.

The content of this website must not be construed as personal advice. We recommend that you seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

All references on this site to ‘Admirals’ refer jointly to Admiral Markets UK Ltd, Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd, Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd, Admirals AU Pty Ltd and Admirals SA (PTY) Ltd. Admirals’ investment firms are fully owned by Admirals Group AS.

Product offer may differ depending on the regulatory requirements of each Operating Company.

Admiral Markets UK Ltd is registered in England and Wales under Companies House – registration number 08171762. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – registration number 595450. The registered office for Admiral Markets UK Ltd is: 37th Floor, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB, United Kingdom.

Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd is registered in Cyprus – with company registration number 310328 at the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver. Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), license number 201/13. The registered office for Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd is: Dramas 2, 1st floor, 1077 Nicosia, Cyprus.

Admirals AU Pty Ltd Registered Office: Level 1, 17 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Admirals AU Pty Ltd (ABN 63 151 613 839) holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) to carry on financial services business in Australia, limited to the financial services covered by its AFSL no. 410681.

Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd is authorised and regulated to conduct investment business by the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, registration number 57026. The registered office of Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd is first floor, Time Centre Building, Eritrea Street, Um Uthaina, Amman, Jordan.

Admirals SA (Pty) Ltd is registered in South Africa with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) – registration number - 2022 / 620981 / 07. Admirals SA (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP51311) registered at the Financial Sector Conduct Authority. The registered office for Admirals SA (Pty) Ltd is: Dock Road Junction, CNR Dock Road and Stanley Street, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, Western Cape, 8001, South Africa.

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Local currency prices for display purposes only.

Monthly Price.

The subscription cost recurs monthly from the sign-up date, until you reach a Funded Account or the account is cancelled.

Profit Target (Per Step)

The Profit Target is the amount of net profit required per step.

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Support Hours (Monday – Friday): 7AM – 6PM CT.

WhatsApp hours (Monday – Friday): 8AM – 5PM CT.

*Payouts are processed in 7 hours (on average) when a payout request is made before 10:00 AM CT.

Trader Evaluation Disclaimer: 22.05% of candidates passed the Trading Combine® evaluation program in 2022. This percentage is based on users that entered the Trading Combine and reached the Funded Level during this time period. The Trading Combine is a realistic simulation of trading under actual market conditions and is difficult to pass even for experienced traders. The Trading Combine is not suggested for individuals with minimal trading experience.

To mitigate Prohibited Conduct, gambling behavior and exploiting the simulated environment , all trading accounts that have any trade day that exceeds 200 total contracts will be subject to review by our Risk & Compliance Team. If Topstep identifies trading activity that, in its sole discretion, relates to Prohibited Conduct, Topstep reserves the right to, delete the trading day and all profits, restart the account or close the account. If repeat violations, Topstep may ban the trader from use of all or a portion of the Site and Services.

All content published and distributed by Topstep LLC and its affiliates (collectively, the “Company”) is to be treated as general information only. None of the information provided by the Company or contained herein is intended as (a) investment advice, (b) an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or (c) a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any security, company, or fund. Testimonials appearing on the Company’s websites may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success. Use of the information contained on the Company’s websites is at your own risk and the Company and its partners, representatives, agents, employees, and contractors assume no responsibility or liability for any use or misuse of such information.

Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the investor’s initial investment. Only risk capital—money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle—should be used for trading and only those individuals with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell futures, options, or forex. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Rule 4.41 – Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, because the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.

© 2022 – Topstep LLC. All rights reserved. TopstepTrader, The Chevron Logo, Topstep, TopstepFX, Trading Combine, Funded Account, and TSTrader are all trademarks of TopstepTechnologies LLC.

Support Hours (Monday – Friday): 7AM – 6PM CT.

WhatsApp hours (Monday – Friday): 8AM – 5PM CT.

*Payouts are processed in 7 hours (on average) when a payout request is made before 10:00 AM CT.

Trader Evaluation Disclaimer: 22.05% of candidates passed the Trading Combine® evaluation program in 2022. This percentage is based on users that entered the Trading Combine and reached the Funded Level during this time period. The Trading Combine is a realistic simulation of trading under actual market conditions and is difficult to pass even for experienced traders. The Trading Combine is not suggested for individuals with minimal trading experience.

To mitigate Prohibited Conduct, gambling behavior and exploiting the simulated environment , all trading accounts that have any trade day that exceeds 200 total contracts will be subject to review by our Risk & Compliance Team. If Topstep identifies trading activity that, in its sole discretion, relates to Prohibited Conduct, Topstep reserves the right to, delete the trading day and all profits, restart the account or close the account. If repeat violations, Topstep may ban the trader from use of all or a portion of the Site and Services.

All content published and distributed by Topstep LLC and its affiliates (collectively, the “Company”) is to be treated as general information only. None of the information provided by the Company or contained herein is intended as (a) investment advice, (b) an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or (c) a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any security, company, or fund. Testimonials appearing on the Company’s websites may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success. Use of the information contained on the Company’s websites is at your own risk and the Company and its partners, representatives, agents, employees, and contractors assume no responsibility or liability for any use or misuse of such information.

Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the investor’s initial investment. Only risk capital—money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle—should be used for trading and only those individuals with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell futures, options, or forex. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Rule 4.41 – Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, because the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.

© 2022 – Topstep LLC. All rights reserved. TopstepTrader, The Chevron Logo, Topstep, TopstepFX, Trading Combine, Funded Account, and TSTrader are all trademarks of TopstepTechnologies LLC.

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Forex logo 1

FxPro Logo.

FxPro is the name of the trading Forex Platform, which was established in 2006. Today the company operates in more than 150 countries all over the globe and has numerous trading tools that are considered to be one of the most progressive on the current trading market.

Meaning and history.

FxPro is a broker, which is offering services to traders and investors since 2006. The company is registered in Cyprus and works under several regulators: CySEC, SCB, FSCA, and FCA.

FxPro is a successful developing financial company working in 170 world countries. It has about 70 different awards, including Best Trading Platform, Best Forex Trading Platform. Many tools from the developers of FXPro are also called one of the most progressive.

In terms of visual identity design, FxPro is pretty direct and conservative, although all of the badges, created for the platform, have always evoked a sense of power and progressiveness.

2006 – 2012.

The initial logo was introduced in 2006 and stayed with the broker for six years. It was a bold red “FxPro” wordmark in a sleek serif typeface placed on a white background with a thin black tagline saying the motto of the company “Trade Forex Like a Pro”. The motto was executed in the same typeface but with thin lines and smaller letters. It was simple yet elegant and strong.

2012 – 2021.

The redesign of 2012 reversed the colors of the badge, making the lettering white and placing it on a horizontally stretched solid red rectangular banner. The typeface was refined and became straighter and sharper. The bottom line of the badge became even thinner and almost invisible now.

2021 – Present.

In 2021 the FxPro logo was emboldened and strengthened. The red color of the background got a deeper and calmer shade, and the white lettering switched its typeface and became more visible and stable. The bottom motto line was now set in full-shaped sans-serif, balancing the elegance of the upper level of the logotype.


The FxPro logo features two different typefaces. The first line is given in a serif type with varying widths of the strokes, while the type of the second line is a sans serif one. Both of them have traditional proportions providing decent legibility.

Company overview.

FxPro is a Forex broker in the CFD and Spread Betting market in the U.K. The history of the company started in 2006. In 2022, Global Brands Magazine ranked it the country’s most trusted Forex brand. The company works in over 170 countries, while the number of client accounts exceeds 870,000.

Forex logo

File : Alb-Forex---Logo.png.

Türkçe: ALB Forex, güçlü özsermaye yapısıyla ve bir çok yatırım ürünü ile Geniş Yetkili Aracı kurum olarak hizmet vermektedir.

Licensing Edit.

This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. CC0 Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication false false.

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Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment current 07:49, 2 February 2022 2,055 × 369 (40 KB) Serpiltekdag (talk | contribs) Uploaded a work by agency company owned by alb forex from with UploadWizard.

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Forex is 9

What is Forex? Know the Forex market.

Do you know the Forex market? Sure, you’ve heard the name Forex many times before, but you may not know exactly what Forex is and how it works. Follow Zand Traders in this article. We bring you everything you need to know about Forex.

Introducing the Forex market.

The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world and is open 24 hours a day and has the maximum daily trading volume.

The word Forex is a combination of two words Foreign Exchange and means currency exchanges. In this market, you can exchange different types of currency and make a profit this way. In addition, this exchange of currency can be through the purchase and sale of various goods or services and so on.

How are Forex trades done?

Forex trading is similar to buying and selling other types of securities, such as stocks, except that Forex trades are done in pairs, for example one currency against another currency, such as EUR / USD (Euro/ US Dollar) or JPY / GBP (Japanese Yen / British Pound).

When you trade in Forex, you are actually selling one currency and buying another currency, and if the purchased currency increases against the currency you sold, you make a profit.

In the following, we will introduce you the main concept of Forex trading by giving an example.

Suppose the exchange rate between the Euro and the US Dollar is 1.40 to 1. If you buy 1000 euros, you will pay 1400 US dollars. If the exchange rate later reaches 1.50 to 1, you can sell the euro for $ 1,500 and make a profit of $ 100.

How is the rate determined in the Forex market?

We said earlier that in the Forex market, trades are based on currency pairs, which have a certain rate, and this rate is determined based on a number of factors.

For example, the exchange rate depends on the political situation and the economic situation of countries. For this reason, these rates are constantly changing under these conditions, and successful operation in the Forex market also requires the use of technical analysis and fundamental analysis skills.

Factors influencing the determination of rates in the Forex market.

As mentioned, political and economic factors influence the rate.

For example, inflation, unemployment, production and employment, bank interest rates, war, sanctions against a country, and …, can affect the exchange rate of that country.

So when you want to make a technical analysis of a currency pair, you need to focus on the political and economic issues that affect the currency pair that you intend to trade in the Forex market.

What is the trading volume of the Forex market?

According to statistics, an average of $ 6.6 trillion is traded daily in the Forex currency market. The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world in terms of trading volume, liquidity and value.

What kind of people trade in the Forex market?

Most Forex traders are: financial institutions, investment managers, multinational corporations as well as commercial banks and…. In addition, Forex trading accounts for only 5.5% of the total Forex market worldwide.

What is a Forex Session in the Forex Trading Market?

Although we have said that the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, the trading volume is not the same 24 hours a day, and depending on the geographical area in which it is located, it is closed 24 hours a day. , While elsewhere in the world people are trading Forex. Even in some hours Forex trading is associated with high risk.

In order to know the right hours to trade in Forex, it is necessary to know the concept of trading sessions and get acquainted with the types of trading sessions in the Forex market.

Familiarity with different types of trading sessions in the Forex market.

In general, the Forex market is divided into three trading segments, which are:

US Market: Open at 4:30 pm and closed at 9pm.

European Market: Open at 8 am and closed at 4:30 pm.

Asia Market: Open at 00:00 in the morning and closed at 8 am.

What is certain is that when these three trading segments overlap in their operating hours, the trading volume is maximized and the main events in the market take place at those times.

What does leverage mean in the Forex market?

Totally, leverage in the Forex market is borrowing a certain amount of money needed to invest. In the Forex market, this money is usually borrowed from a broker.

-Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to increase their trading position beyond their current cash balance.

-Brokerage accounts allow the use of leverage through margin trading, where the broker secures the borrowed funds.

-Forex traders often use leverage to make relatively small price changes in the currency pair to make a profit.

But keep in mind that leverage is as risky as it can be attractive. We will talk about those points in the following.

How having leverage increases the risk of investing in Forex?

Investing in financial markets will not be profitable in the first place, and there is no guarantee that you will make a profit from the beginning.

So using leverage when your account is in profit is great. But you should also keep in mind that you may also be at a loss, in which case your account may be called margin, meaning that your broker will confiscate your entire balance to make up for the loss.

So before taking any action that is high risk, you need to have complete control over the trading tools.

Forex trades are done in CFD. Have you ever heard of CFD? Stay tuned to learn more about CFD Forex trading.

What are CFD trades?

A CFD or contract for difference is a type of contract between a buyer and a seller that stipulates that the buyer must pay the seller the difference between the present value of the asset and its value at the time of the future contract. CFDs are provided for traders and investors to benefit from price changes without much investment.

In fact, in CFD transactions, you buy the value of a commodity and borrow this value from its owner until the due date, and return that amount at the maturity of the contract.

Now if the value of that commodity has increased on the due date, you will both repay your debt and make a profit.

Futures trading is also a type of CFD trading. In this type of transaction, you can trade the goods or value at a specific price on a certain date in the future, and on the due date of the contract, that amount will be paid at the current rate.

The difference between futures trading and CFD trades is that in futures trading you have to return the value you got at the current rate.

How Future trades work?

To better understand futures trading, we have explained this type of trading with an example.

Suppose you buy 8 pieces of one type of product on a certain date at a price of 2 million Tomans per piece. On the due date of the contract, if the price of that product has increased from 2 million Tomans to 4 million Tomans, you need to return 8 of those goods at the price of 4 million Tomans each, or the amount at the price of that product. Pay as added as a loss.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CFD trading?

Read this part of the article carefully to get acquainted with the advantages of CFD trading.

Advantages of CFD Trading.

-In these transactions, leverage can be used.

-No tax is paid because only values are bought and sold.

-The market is two-way, both buying and selling.

-Transactions do not have a maturity.

Disadvantages of CFDs.

-Due to leverage, the risk of these transactions is higher.

-There is no physical ownership in this type of transaction.

-There is no need to pay bank interest when transactions are open.

In this part of the article, we have introduced you to some of the most important and practical terms and types of Forex trading. Stay tuned to learn more terms in this huge global market.

What does Spread mean in Forex market?

In the Forex market, when you buy and sell, you usually see that currency pairs are shown at two different rates. These two numbers indicate the purchase price and the selling price of the currency pair, which are slightly different from each other. The difference between these two rates is called the spread.

Spread is different for different currency pairs. In addition, depending on the type of broker in the Forex market, the amount of spread may vary. Spread also increases during hours when trading volume is low.

Now that you are somewhat familiar with Forex and the types of trades in this market, you may want to invest in this market, but do not know exactly where to start. In the following, we have briefly addressed this issue. Stay with us.

Where do we start to trade Forex?

If you are interested in investing in the Forex market and are interested in trading in this market, you need to know that to get started you need to choose a suitable broker.

As you know, brokers are the same intermediaries that at first it may seem a little simple to choose this intermediary. But did you know that the type of broker can affect your performance in the Forex market and your profit and loss?

So first of all, you need to get enough information about brokers and properly research the types of brokers and choose the right one.

Of course, because the Forex market is global and has a very high trading volume, brokers do the trades by connecting to the global market and are controlled by foreign-accredited financial regulatory bodies; Therefore, this market is one of the safest markets available.

We said earlier that you need to have a broker to get started. To choose a broker, pay attention to the following points:

-Considering the sanctions that have been imposed on our country Iran, the broker you choose must be registered in offshore countries in order to be able to serve Iranian users.

-The more branches a broker has in more countries, the more credibility it will have.

-It is better for the broker to have support in Persian language so that he can communicate with you more easily.

-The broker must be regulated and its trades must be connected to the global market.

-Before choosing a broker, you need to have enough information about the spread of the currency pair in that broker.

-The broker needs to have different trading accounts. In this way, you can create a new account with any kind of strategy and capital management.

In this way, by considering these points, you can choose your broker much smarter.

Concluding remarks on the Forex market.

If you are looking to invest in a market that has high trading potential, the Forex market with its high average trading volume can be a good option, but you should note that entering this market without the necessary training is risky. It comes with a lot and can cause you irreparable damage.

Therefore, we recommend that you try to participate in the relevant training courses before any action and get a convincing answer to every question you have in mind, and enter this large global market with full knowledge of the intricacies of work.

In this article, we tried to provide you with important points related to the Forex market. We hope that what has been said has been taken into consideration and your satisfaction, dear ones.

Lista Forex 1

Best Forex Brokers for 2023.

Brokerage companies are scattered all over the world and have many differences in trading conditions, products and services. Some companies are regulated, others are not. Some have been around for decades, others are rather young. Certain brokers work as Market Makers and have fixed spreads, others provide STP or ECN accounts with direct market access and offer a much larger selection of underlying assets for trading. This site was created to help you find the best forex brokers for your specific needs and requirements. There are several sections and filters in the menu on the left. These can be used to create a custom list of entities with preferable parameters and characteristics. If you find a certain broker you are currently trading with or have used before, feel free to share your experience about it in the comments section meant for forex broker reviews.

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A) Provide wide spreads that eat into any profit you may make. This may not look like much, but it will accumulate over time. If you are a high-volume trader, this could become a very heavy expense as well. B) Bad trading conditions such as slippage. C) Very small leverage which means you have to commit a lot of money as margin collateral for trades. D) Withdrawals are not processed early or require a convoluted process to fully complete. E) Disappearing with your funds, which is a worst-case scenario.

Any of these can lead to a very frustrating trading experience. This is why it is important to understand the role that brokers perform and how these can affect your trading outcomes.

Role of Forex brokers.

Forex brokers play several roles in the FX market. These roles have evolved over time and will continue to evolve, as events in the last year have proven. As such, forex brokers are now expected to perform the following roles:

A) Access to the Market.

This is one of the more traditional roles of the forex broker and this is not expected to change soon, even though there are new blockchain-based platforms that are now challenging this model. However, these newer models that intend to bring traders together devoid of traditional brokerage linkages are still years away from gaining acceptance. Therefore, the role of the forex broker in matching traders from all over the world using the internet and despite the absence of a physical location will remain as it is for some time to come.

Central to forex market operations is the interbank market, where the big banks offer various currency pairs for sale. If the market is looked at in terms of a supply chain, the production hub is the interbank market. This is where investment banks, hedge funds, and other major market players obtain currency pairs at wholesale prices.

Retail forex brokers also operate at the interbank market as large-scale off-takers. It is the large positions they buy from the sell-side market makers (the liquidity providers) on the interbank market that is provided to the retail clients on their platforms.

The only way to gain access to the interbank forex market, or the dealing desk trading environment, is by connecting to the global network of computers using trading platforms. So without the brokers and the trading platforms they provide, there is no way to gain access to the forex interbank market to trade.

Access can be provided directly using the ECN/STP platforms (also known as direct market access platforms), or indirectly using the market maker platforms that route orders to the broker’s dealing desk.

B) Trader Education.

Research has shown that 90% of retail traders will lose 90% of their accounts in 90 days. The only way for brokers to keep their hard-won clients trading for a long time is to ensure that the cycle described by this well-established market statistic is broken. Brokers are now realizing that an informed trader is more likely to trade better and therefore stay longer on the trading platform.

The majority of the losing traders (if not all) are traders who are uneducated about the market and who do not understand how to trade profitably. These will end falling by the wayside. No broker wants to spend money acquiring clients, only to have them quit their platforms in 90 days. With brokers realizing that such an arrangement is not good for business in the long run, many of them are now investing significantly into trader education. Videos, articles, and webinars are the common means by which beginner traders are given an introduction into the forex market.

The earliest trader education suites are now almost a decade old. Evaluative studies over that period have shown that trader education is a well-received product from FX brokerages. Any FX broker that does not provide some form of trader education is not worth looking at.

C) Market Research.

Once traders get established on the platforms using trader educational resources, their trading activities can be sustained via the provision of market research tools, analysis and news feed. Many brokers have incorporated this into their offerings as well.

Market research is the bedrock of informed trading. Market movements in forex are primarily determined via sentiment analysis. This type of analysis is based on the fact that the markets already have predetermined directions based on the economic data available. Market research brings these to light and waters down the language to the levels that the trader can understand.

As a trader, you should ideally be trading with a broker that can provide some form of market research. This should be a defining criterion to use in choosing a broker.

So what should traders be looking for when choosing a forex broker in 2023?

Criteria to consider in choosing a Forex broker.

The criteria for choosing a forex broker have evolved over the years and will keep changing. While there are still some elements that are critical to the choice and which have remained constant over time, there are other parameters that have emerged and which will be considered below.

1. Asset Listing.

The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic and all the actions taken by policymakers have created opportunities in certain trading pairs that did not exist few years ago. One of these opportunities is the carry trade.

The carry trade is a trading style where the trader holds a long position in a currency with a higher interest rate, while simultaneously selling a currency with a lower interest rate. Central banks across the world were forced to adjust interest rates lower when the coronavirus pandemic began to exert a very damaging impact on every country. Some adjusted theirs more than others, and some have started to raise rates once again. This has created a situation where certain currency pairs now have sufficient interest rate disparities to support the carry trade strategy. Examples of such pairs are the USDTRY, USDZAR, and USDRUB.

Apart from the carry trade, the recent rise in US bond yields has started to cause a shift of investment capital from low-yielding/non-yielding assets to assets that are considered as the "risk-on" assets. This scenario has created opportunities for trading in several metal commodities, the Swiss Franc, British Pound, Australian Dollar, Kiwi Dollar (New Zealand Dollar) Japanese Yen, and US Dollar.

Therefore, you should be looking for FX brokers that feature several combinations of currency pairs built around these assets. Ensure that you get the best trading conditions possible around the trading of these pairs. One of the things to look out for is the spreads and commissions that are payable by the trader for trading these pairs.

2. Spreads/Commissions.

Spreads are the primary cost to the trader on a retail platform. Lower costs mean that the trader will have a chance to retain more profits, or at least reduce the losses that may be incurred on trades. Competitive spreads are now a factor used in broker selection. It may not be immediately obvious how much savings on spreads can translate to, but high volume traders and scalpers know that when up to 300 trades are placed in a month, or 50 lots are traded, the savings from reduced spreads can add up to become substantial.

3. Leverage.

Leverage in forex is now a big deal. What started off in 2010 when leverage caps were introduced in the US by the Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), has now been extended into the United Kingdom and Europe. All the ASIC-regulated brokers in Australia are now apply almost the same margin conditions on their platforms as their counterparts in Europe and the UK. The days of trading with 1:500 leverage on Australian FX brokers are gone forever.

Retail traders in the UK and EU have seen leverage caps reduced from as high as 1:500 to just 1:30 for major forex pairs. Minor pairs and CFDs have even tighter leverage limits. This has increased margin requirements significantly. However, some brokers outside these jurisdictions have continued to maintain the high leverages, thus attracting traders who have been left in the cold by the leverage caps. Some of the UK/EU brokers have also opened international divisions, where their international client accounts are being migrated to. So traders now have a choice of operating with the low leverage brokers, or the high leverage ones.

4. Regulation.

Despite everything, market regulation will continue to remain a key factor in broker selection. Regulation ensures that traders are protected and that the trading environment is transparent and secure. The brokers presented on this site are regulated in their respective areas of operation, which ensures that traders who open accounts with them are assured of the safety of their funds.

Regulation also ensures that level trading conditions are provided for all traders and that the brokers fulfill their responsibilities to their clients.

5. Broker Type.

Do you trade with brokers that provide direct market access to the interbank market, or do you trade within the dealing desk environment? As a trader, you need to know how each market access route will affect your capital and your positions. Market makers provide indirect access because they buy positions from the interbank market and resell them to their clients using a dealing desk. Market makers usually require smaller amounts of starting capital, provide fixed spreads, and tend to have more slippages and requotes. They provide a low barrier for market entry.

ECN brokers on the other hand, provide direct market access. They require large amounts as initial capital, provide variable spreads, but do not have slippages and requotes. However, they charge commissions on trades in addition to spreads. At the end of the day, the trader’s financial capacity will determine if a market maker or an ECN broker will be selected for the trading venture.

6. Trading Resources.

Trading resources are generally tools that are provided by a broker to enhance the trading experience and potentially improve a trader’s trading outcomes. It is about finding the broker that has the right mix of trading resources that cover market research, actionable analysis, up-to-the-second news and other resources.

7. Customer Support.

Customer support can now be offered using a variety of means that were not in existence a few years ago. Social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as messaging apps such as Telegram, can now serve as channels for receiving near-immediate responses from a broker's customer support desk. Choose a broker with a diversified customer support structure that deploys these new means of communication.

8. Cybersecurity.

There has never been a consideration of cybersecurity as a basis for choosing a broker, but the world we live in is a different place from many years ago. It may seem strange, but the cybersecurity became an issue thanks to coronavirus. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has reported a 300% increase in cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now more than ever before, you need to do some research of your own as to how secure your personal and financial data on a broker’s platform truly are. This is now something every trader should consider when choosing a FX broker.

Our list of Forex brokers.

The list above features the best forex brokers selected by us for 2023 year. It has been prepared after due consideration of all the factors mentioned above. Here you can find both highly regulated brokers, unrestricted offshore brokers, and of course EU/UK/AU brokers with their own offshore divisions. Feel free to read our forex broker reviews and make an informed choice based on the contents of this website.

© FX-List 2023.

Risk Warning: Forex trading imposes a high level of risks and is not suited for all traders and investors. As much as trading on foreign exchange markets may be potentially profitable, it can also lead to significant losses. Ensure that you have enough trading experience, knowledge and full comprehension of potential risks involved. Most derivative contracts have high leverage and low margin requirements. Hence, rapid price movements may inflict serious financial damage or even devastate your entire trading account.

Forex is 8

What is Forex Trading ? : A Complete Guide.

Forex is the most traded market in the world. It is used by people to trade currencies, and it has a major impact on your daily life.

Foreign exchange markets are global markets where currencies are traded. The forex market has a major impact on your daily life because it influences the prices of goods and services around the world.

The forex market is also known as “FX” or “foreign exchange.” Forex trading can be done through an online broker.

What is Forex ?

Forex is the global currency exchange market, where all the world’s currencies trade. It’s the largest and most liquid market in the world, with an average daily turnover of $5.3 trillion.

Forex is always traded in pairs, where you buy one currency and sell another. The most common pairs are EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, and USD/CHF.

The purpose of trading forex is to make money by buying a currency when its price is low, and then selling it when its price rises.

For example, if you think the Euro is going to rise in value against the US Dollar, you would buy Euros with US Dollars. If the EUR/USD exchange rate rises, you would sell your Euros back and make a profit.

What are the benefits of forex trading ?

Forex trading is a great way to make money and can be extremely profitable. The benefits of forex trading include:

1. Making money from currency movements.

The biggest benefit of forex trading is that you can make money from the movements in currency prices. If you think a currency is going to appreciate in value, you can buy it and then sell it later at a higher price. If you think a currency is going to depreciate in value, you can sell it and then buy it back later at a lower price.

2. Hedging against foreign currency risk.

Another benefit of forex trading is that it can help you to hedge against foreign currency risk. For example, if you are doing business in a foreign country and you are exposed to foreign currency risk, you can use forex trading to help protect yourself from this risk.

What are the risks of forex trading?

The risks of forex trading are vast. The most important of which is the risk of losing your entire investment. Unlike stocks, which are traded on exchanges, forex is traded over the counter, which means that there is no central exchange where buyers and sellers meet. This can lead to increased volatility and liquidity issues. Another risk is that the forex market is unregulated. This means that there is no governing body to oversee the market and protect investors. As a result, there is a high potential for fraud and manipulation Another risk is that the forex market is incredibly volatile. The value of currencies can change rapidly, which can lead to losses if you are not careful. Finally, forex is a leveraged product. This means that you can control a larger position than you have invested. This can lead to increased profits, but it can also lead to increased losses.

How do I get started in forex trading?

The forex market is the most liquid and largest financial market in the world. It is also the most volatile, with prices reacting to global economic news, geopolitical events, and Central Bank policy decisions.

This makes forex trading an attractive proposition for many people. But before you can start trading, you need to understand the basics of how the forex market works.

The first step is to open an account with a forex broker. This will give you access to the forex market, and allow you to start trading.

Next, you need to learn about the different types of orders that you can place in the forex market. There are three main types of orders:

Market orders: These orders are executed at the best available price.

Limit orders: These orders are executed when the price reaches the limit set by the trader.

Stop orders : These orders are executed when the price reaches the stop level set by the trader.

What are the best forex trading strategies?

There is no one perfect forex trading strategy. However, there are a number of strategies that you can use that may help you to be successful when trading forex.

One of the most common strategies that traders use is trend trading. With this strategy, you look for trends in the market and try to ride them in the direction that they are moving. You can use indicators such as moving averages or MACD to help you to identify trends.

Another common strategy is breakout trading. With this strategy, you look for breakouts in the market and trade in the direction of the breakout. You can use indicators such as Bollinger Bands or price action to help you to identify breakouts.

A third common strategy is swing trading. With this strategy, you look for swings in the market and trade in the direction of the swing. You can use indicators such as RSI or MACD to help you to identify swings.

What are the most common forex trading mistakes?

There are a few key mistakes that many traders make when trading Forex. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones:

1. Trading without a plan.

This is probably the biggest mistake that traders make. If you don’t have a plan, you’re essentially flying blind and are far more likely to lose money. A trading plan should include things like your trading strategy, risk management rules, and entry and exit points.

Another common mistake is overtrading, which is when traders trade too many positions and take on too much risk. This can lead to big losses, especially in volatile markets.

3. Failing to take profits.

A lot of traders fail to take profits when they reach their targets, which can lead to missed opportunities and losses in the long run.

Forex Trading Resources.

There is a lot of information available on the web about Forex trading. However, not all of it is reliable or up-to-date. The following are some of the best resources for Forex traders.

1. Forex Trading Academy – This website is a comprehensive resource for Forex traders of all levels of experience. It includes an extensive education section, as well as articles, news, and reviews of Forex trading products and services.

2. – This website is devoted to teaching new Forex traders the basics of the currency markets. It includes a comprehensive education section, as well as articles, news, and reviews of Forex trading products and services.

3. Forex Peace Army – This website is devoted to providing independent and unbiased reviews of Forex trading products and services. It includes a database of over 2,000 Forex brokers, as well as reviews and ratings of individual brokers.

Forex Trading Forums:

If you’re looking to get into forex trading, you’ll want to find a good forex forum to join. Forex forums are a great place to learn about the forex market, ask questions, and get advice from other traders.

When looking for a forex forum, be sure to consider the following:

Size of the forum – The bigger the forum, the more traders you’ll find there. This can be both a good and a bad thing – on the one hand, you’ll have access to more information and advice, but on the other hand, the competition for good trades may be tougher.

Forum topics – Make sure the forum you choose covers the topics you’re interested in. Topics can range from basic information about the forex market to more specific advice about trading strategies.

Forex Trading Education:

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to learning about Forex trading. This comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to start trading Forex, including an introduction to the Forex market, how to open a trading account, and how to use basic Forex trading strategies.


1. What is Base Currency ?

Ans: The base currency is always quoted on the left and is the first currency in a forex pair. This currency is always worth one and is bought or sold in exchange for the quote currency.

2. What is Bid Price ?

Ans: The bid price is the amount for which a trader is willing to sell a currency. This price is typically to the left of the quote and is frequently in red.In the live market, the bid price is provided in real time and is constantly updated.

3. What is Quote currency ?

Ans: The quote currency is the second currency in a currency pair and is always on the right.

4. What is Ask Price ?

Ans: The ask price is the lowest price a seller is willing to accept or the value at which a trader accepts to buy a currency. This is usually in blue and to the right.

5. What is Spread ?

Ans: The bid price is always higher than the ask price. The difference between these two prices is the spread .In other words, it is the cost of doing Tading. The lower the spread, the lower the cost. The wider the spread, the higher the cost.

6. What is Short positions ?

Ans: A short position is one in which a trader sells a currency in the expectation that its value will fall and then buys it back at a lower price. When the trader buys back the asset, the short position is ‘closed.’

7. What is Long Positions ?

Ans: A long position indicates that a trader has purchased a currency with the expectation that its value will rise. When a trader sells a currency back to the market, their long position is said to be ‘closed,’ and the trade is finished.

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Lista Forex

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CFD Novosti i Analize Tržišta.

Dnevna analiza.

Večernja analiza CFD instrumenata 03/01/2023.

Par je danas u blagom padu. Trenutačno je 1.0539. Njemačka stopa nezaposlenosti za prosinac iznosila je 5,5% u.

Funta je danas pala u odnosu na američki dolar. Kreće se kod razine od 1.1909. Velika Britanija je izvijestila o.

Par je danas opao. Kreće se kod razine od 130.55. U Japanu nije bilo ekonomskih događaja o kojima bi se moglo.

U vrijeme ručka par je opao. Kreće se kod razine od 0.6705. U Australiji za danas nisu planirane nikakve gospodarske.

Cijene zlata su porasle u utorak, kada se pažnja tržišta preusmjerila na zapisnike posljednjeg sastanka FED-a.

Cijene sirove nafte u utorak se drže u uskom rasponu, iako su izgledi za potražnju zasjenjeni slabim.

Futures na američke dionice porasli su početkom nove godine nakon što su investitori zaključili 2022. s.

Par je porastao za vrijeme ručka u Europi, trgujući na 18.7358. Očekuje se da će se godišnja inflacija u.

Par je danas porastao. Par se trenutačno trguje na 1.3631. U Kanadi za danas nisu planirani nikakvi ekonomski.

GER40 i europska tržišta dionica skočila su u utorak, potaknuta vijestima o padu inflacije u Njemačkoj.

Platina tjedni specijalni izvještaj na temelju obujma trgovanja od 1,00.

Specijalni izvještaji, 2023-01-03.

Specijalni izvještaj: Srebro Datum: 3. siječnja.

Specijalni izvještaji, 2023-01-03.

PRIRODNI PLIN tjedni specijalni izvještaj na temelju obujma trgovanja od.

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Nvidia (#NVDA) tjedni specijalni izvještaj na temelju obujma trgovanja.

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AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP (#AMERICAN A) tjedni specijalni izvještaj na.

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Tjedni presjek cijena CFD ugovora.

Euro je nastavio sa rastom u odnosu na dolar. Prinos na obveznice opada jer ulagači vjeruju da će vodeće svijetske banke poput ECB nastaviti podizati kamatne stope duži period. Britanska funta je opala u odnosu na dolar nakon.


Online seminari.

Najnoviji online seminar.

January 5, 2023 17:00:00 GMT.

Naša akademija trgovanja.

Spremni za trgovanje? Započnite sada.

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Upozorenje o riziku.

CFD-ovi su složeni instrumenti i imaju visok rizik od brzog gubitka novca zbog financijske poluge. 83% računa malih ulagatelja izgubi novac tijekom trgovanja CFD-ovima s ovim ponuditeljem. Trebali biste razmotriti razumijete li kako CFD-ovi funkcioniraju te možete li si priuštiti preuzimanje visokog rizika od gubitka novca. Možete izgubiti sva sredstva, no ne više nego što imate na računu za trgovanje. Ovi proizvodi možda neće biti prikladni za sve klijente i stoga morate biti sigurni da ste razumjeli rizike, a potražite i neovisan savjet. Ovaj materijal ne predstavlja ponudu, tražbinu niti transakciju, glede bilo kojega financijskog instrumenta. Fortrade ne prihvaća bilo kakvu odgovornost za bilo kakvu uporabu ovih komentara niti za posljedice koje iz toga mogu proisteći. Ne daje se nikakvo uvjeravanje niti jamstvo za točnost ili potpunost ovih podataka. Slijedom toga, svaka osoba koja postupi prema njima, radi to u potpunosti na vlastiti rizik.

Informacije na ovom web-mjestu nisu namijenjene za stanovnike Sjedinjenih Država ili Belgije i nisu zamišljene da budu distribuirane ili korištene od strane bilo koje osobe, u bilo kojoj državi ili jurisdikciji u kojima bi takva distribucija ili upotreba bila u suprotnosti s lokalnim zakonima ili regulativom.

Mogućnost ostvarenja profita prilikom obavljanja transakcija na OTC tržištu valutnih derivata neizostavno podrazumijeva i mogućnost nastanka gubitka. Vršenje transakcija može dovesti do gubitka jednog dijela ili cijelokupnog uloženog novca. Prije otpočinjanja trgovanja, pobrinite se da ste razumjeli prateće rizike i savladali vještine koje su potrebne za ulaganje.

Informacije na ovom web-mjestu nisu namijenjene za stanovnike Sjedinjenih Država ili Belgije i nisu zamišljene da budu distribuirane ili korištene od strane bilo koje osobe, u bilo kojoj državi ili jurisdikciji u kojima bi takva distribucija ili upotreba bila u suprotnosti s lokalnim zakonima ili regulativom.

CFD-ovi i marginski derivati su proizvodi s polugom koji uključuju značajnu razinu riziku po vaš kapital. Trebali biste trgovati isključivo novcem čiji si gubitak možete priuštiti. Imajte na umu sljedeće: Moguće je da izgubite cjelokupni iznos na vašem računu za trgovanje, no ne više od toga. Ne posjedujete vrijednosne papire na koje se vezuje trgovanje, niti na njih možete polagati bilo kakva prava. Prošli rezultati ne predstavljaju jamstvo budućih rezultata. Ovi podaci zamišljeni su kao podaci opće prirode te ne predstavljaju savjete o financijskim proizvodima. Bilo kakvi savjeti koji se nalaze na ovoj web stranici ili koje vam pruža Fort Securities Australia Pty Ltd smatraju se isključivo savjetima opće prirode te su priremljeni bez uzimanja u obzir vaših ciljeva, financijskog stanja ili potreba. Prije nego što počnete djelovati na temelju bilo kakvih informacija, trebali biste razmotriti odgovaraju li pružene informacije i priroda tog financijskog proizvoda vašim ciljevima, financijskom stanju i potrebama. Htjeli bismo vas potaknuti da potražite nezavisno financijsko savjetovanje i razmotrite naš Vodič kroz financijske usluge (en. "FSG") te Izjavu o proizvodima (en. "PDS") prije bilo kakve odluke o sudjelovanju u bilo kakvim financijskim prozivodima koje izdajemo, kao i u njihovom pribavljanju.

Podaci na ovoj web stranici nisu usmjereni na žitelje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Belgije te nisu namijenjeni distribuciji ili uporabi od strane bilo koje osobe u bilo kojoj državi gdje bi to bilo u sukobu s mjesnim zakonima ili regulacijama.

CFD-ovi su kompleksni visoko spekulativni instrumenti, koji donose visoki rizik brzog gubitka novca zbog financijske poluge ili zaduživanja. Trebate dobro razmotriti razumijete li kako CFD-ovi funkcioniraju i možete li podnijeti visoki rizik od gubitka svog vašeg investiranog kapitala. Budite svjesni: možete izgubiti sve, no ne više od salda na računu za trgovanje. 84% računa malih ulagatelja izgubi novac tijekom trgovanja CFD-ovima. Ti proizvodi možda nisu prikladni za sve klijente, stoga svakako morate biti sigurni da razumijete rizike i potražiti neovisan savjet.

Ukoliko nastavite investirati u ugovore za razliku (CFD) na virtualne valute, zapamtite da su vrijednosti izuzetno volatilne i mogu rezultirati značajnim gubicima kroz kratko razdoblje.

Ovaj materijal ne predstavlja ponudu ili zahtjev za transakcijom u bilo kojem financijskom instrumentu. Fortrade odbacuje svaku odgovornost za bilo kakvu uporabu ovih informacija, kao niza bilo kakve posljedice koje nastanu kao posljedica uporabe ovih informacija. Ne daju se bilo kakva jamstva točnosti ili potpunosti tih informacija te, stoga, svaka osoba koja djeluje na temelju tih informacija, čini to u potpunosti na vlastiti rizik.

Informacije na ovom web-mjestu nisu namijenjene za stanovnike Sjedinjenih Državaili Belgije i nisu zamišljene da budu distribuirane ili korištene od strane bilo koje osobe, u bilo kojoj državi ili jurisdikciji u kojima bi takva distribucija ili upotreba bila u suprotnosti s lokalnim zakonima ili regulativom.

Forex is 7

What is forex trading?

Forex, often referred to as ‘foreign exchange’, is the buying and selling of different currencies to exploit fluctuations in the marketplaces (through arbitrage) or adjustments in market prices over time: a decentralised global market in which all the world’s currencies trade. It is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5trln.

As with other forms of speculation, the aim is to buy low and sell high in order to make a profit.

The incredible thing about Forex is that the market literally never sleeps. Prices are constantly fluctuating as world events unfold and investors may wake up to find a natural disaster, or other event, has caused their holdings to rocket up or plunge down.

How is forex priced?

This can be a tricky one to pin down, since the price of any currency is always determined in another, and these ratios are constantly in flux.

The most traded pairs of currency in the world are called 'majors'. These are EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF. You can also trade in minor, less liquid, currencies referred to as 'exotics'. These include the Polish zloty (PLN), Norwegian krone (NOK) and the Mexican peso (MXN).

What are the advantages?

Markets open 24/5.

You can trade almost 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Since the forex market is decentralised, it isn't tied to any specific geography so there is always a market open somewhere (though in order to make money, the market you're trading on needs to be active). The best time to trade is when the markets relating to the currency you are trading overlap.


If you want fast-paced trading with quick turnarounds, this may well be the place for you. Forex completes more trades daily than the New York Stock Exchange.

Low trading costs.

Unlike stock brokers, forex brokers don't charge extra commissions or transaction fees as they're compensated through the bid/ask spread.

What are the risks?

World events.

Where a company's performance affects the value of its stock, the value of forex is far more volatile. Anything from a political shift to a natural disaster can change the value of a nation's currency, which will have knock-on effects for other currencies in the market. Forex traders need to keep abreast with world events in order to trade smart.

Trading on margin.

You can trade forex through a margin account. This allows you to borrow money from your broker to up your potential return on an investment. This is known as leverage. For example, if your broker offers you leverage against at 50:1, for every pound in your account you can make a trade for £50 of whatever currency pair you want. If you win, your returns will be significantly increased, but watch out – the same is true for your losses.

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Forex is 6

Forex Transactions: Regulatory Guide.

September 2022 revisions: Updated to include reference to Notice to Members 1-22-17 in the Customer Orders section of the guide.

The Commodity Exchange Act (CEA or Act) gives the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) jurisdiction over off-exchange (also called over-the-counter or OTC) foreign currency futures and options transactions as well as certain leveraged foreign currency transactions offered to or entered into with retail customers. Under the CEA, only certain regulated entities may be counterparties to these off-exchange trades with retail customers. These regulated entities are certain registered futures commission merchants (FCM) and registered retail foreign exchange dealers (RFED). All other off-exchange futures and options transactions with U.S. retail customers are unlawful unless done on or subject to the rules of a regulated exchange.


Before going on, you should understand:

Customer is any party to a forex trade who is not an eligible contract participant as defined in the Act. This includes individuals with assets of less than $10 million and most small businesses. Forex Transactions are leveraged off-exchange foreign currency transactions where one party is a customer (as defined in the previous bullet), except that the term does not include transactions that result in actual delivery within two days or that create an enforceable obligation to deliver between parties who are capable of making and taking delivery for business purposes. NFA's forex requirements apply to all Members that engage in forex activities with customers. This Guide should help our Members who are subject to NFA's forex requirements understand those requirements. This Guide does not, however, include every requirement that may apply and does not deal with every detail of the requirements it does include. In addition to this Guide, you should read NFA's rules and interpretive notices and the CFTC's regulations, interpretive notices and letters regarding forex transactions.



A firm may not act as a counterparty, or offer to act as a counterparty, to any forex transaction unless the firm is one of the regulated entities listed in the CEA. These entities (authorized counterparties) are:

U.S.-based financial institutions (e.g., banks and savings associations); financial holding companies; registered FCMs that are primarily or substantially engaged in on-exchange futures activities; and RFEDs.

FCMs and RFEDs must be Members and approved as forex firms by NFA.

Associated Persons.

Individuals employed by an FCM, RFED, introducing broker (IB), commodity pool operator (CPO) or commodity trading advisor (CTA) who solicit or accept retail forex customer orders or supervise any person who solicits or accepts retail forex customer orders must register as associated persons (AP) and be approved as forex APs by NFA. No Member may be approved as a forex firm unless at least one of its principals is registered as an AP and approved as a forex AP.

Introducing Entities.

Except for otherwise regulated U.S.-based financial institutions, registered broker-dealers and certain affiliates and financial holding companies, entities or individuals that introduce forex customers to registered FCMs or RFEDs must register as IBs and be NFA Members.

Account Managers.

Except for otherwise regulated U.S.-based financial institutions, registered broker-dealers and certain affiliates, and financial holding companies, a person or entity exercising trading authority over a customer's forex account must register as a CTA. A person exercising trading authority over a customer's account may not receive or hold the customer's funds. Those funds must be held by the FCM or RFED counterparty.

Pool Operators.

Except for otherwise regulated U.S.-based financial institutions, registered broker-dealers and certain affiliates and financial holding companies, a person or entity who operates a pooled investment vehicle that is not an eligible contract participant that trades forex must register as a CPO. (See Exemptions available to CPOs.)

Members Subject to Forex Requirements.

All Members that engage in forex activities with customers are subject to NFA's forex requirements, although some of those requirements apply only to forex dealer members (FDMs). A Member is an FDM if it acts as counterparty to or offers to act as counterparty to at least one customer. (See NFA Bylaw 306.) Pursuant to the Act and CFTC regulations, FDMs must be registered as either an FCM or an RFED.

Members that engage in forex activities with customers but do not act as counterparties are subject to various anti-fraud, ethical conduct, and supervision requirements if they solicit customers, introduce customers to a counterparty or manage accounts on behalf of customers. Additionally, Members that manage forex accounts on behalf of customers or offer pools that trade forex must provide prospective clients and pool participants with a disclosure document and file it with NFA prior to use. This disclosure document must include the disclosure language proscribed by the CFTC. Additionally, any trading program or pool that includes forex trading must provide certain disclosures and provide periodic (monthly or quarterly) account statements and an annual report to the pool participants.

Soliciting Customers.

Customer Information and Risk Disclosure.

Members or their Associates are required to obtain certain personal and financial information from a customer. At a minimum, Members or their Associates must obtain the customer's true name, address, principal occupation or business, and previous investment, futures trading and forex trading experience. For customers who are individuals, the Member or Associate must obtain the customer's net worth or net assets and current estimated annual income or the previous year's annual income.

Based on this information, Members or their Associates must determine the appropriate risk disclosure to provide the customer. At a minimum, FDMs and IBs must provide retail customers with understandable and timely written risk disclosure on essential features and risks of forex trading prior to opening the account. The written risk disclosure must include the disclosure language prescribed in CFTC Regulation 5.5(b). In addition, immediately following the prescribed disclosure, the risk disclosure statement must also include: (1) the total number of non-discretionary retail forex customer accounts maintained by the FDM, (2) the percentage of such accounts that were profitable in the quarter and (3) the percentage of such accounts that were not profitable during the quarter. In determining whether each account was or was not profitable, FDMs must follow the formula set forth in CFTC Regulation 5.18(i). This section should also include the legend that PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. IBs are required to provide this information for the FDM to whom they are introducing the account. Members are required to obtain a signed and dated acknowledgment from the retail customer that the customer received and understood the disclosure statement prior to opening the account. Members must update this disclosure prior to entering into new forex transactions with current customers if failing to update the information would make it misleading. CPO and CTA Members must provide the disclosure required by CFTC Regulation 4.34.

Members or their Associates may decide that additional risk disclosure for a particular customer is appropriate. For example, if a customer does not have experience trading forex, the Member or Associate must determine what additional information the customer needs to make an informed decision on whether to enter into forex transactions. In some circumstances (e.g., if the customer is living on social security or is looking for a safe investment), the Member or Associate may even have to tell the customer that forex trading is too risky for that particular customer. A Member, however, is not required to reject the account if a customer, after receiving the additional disclosure, still insists on trading forex.

Members and Associates, however, are prohibited from making individualized recommendations to any customer for which the Member or Associate has or should have advised that forex trading is too risky for that customer.

NFA does not require Members to provide their Associates with any grid-like formula to identify those customers who require additional risk disclosure. Your firm should, however, be able to articulate the general factors its Associates consider when deciding whether to give additional risk disclosure.

Each Member must make a record containing the customer information obtained. If the customer declines to provide the required information, the Member or Associate must make a record that the customer declined. A record does not need to be made in the case of a non-U.S. customer. Members must keep copies of all information records for the period of time set forth in CFTC Regulation 1.31.

For all active customers who are individuals, Members who act as the counterparty are required to contact the customer annually to verify that the information remains materially accurate and provide the customer with the opportunity to update the information. If the customer notifies the Member who is acting as the counterparty of any material changes to the information, the Member must determine whether the Member must provide the customer with additional risk disclosure based on the changed information. However, if another Member, such as an IB or CTA currently solicits and communicates with the customer, the Member acting as a counterparty must notify the IB or CTA of the changed information and the IB or CTA must determine if additional risk disclosure is necessary.

Communications with the Public and Promotional Materials.

Members should adopt and enforce written procedures regarding communications with the public. These procedures should address oral sales solicitations as well as promotional material, and they should be reasonably designed to prevent your firm and its Associates from making any communication with potential or current customers that operates as a fraud or deceit, uses a high‑pressure approach, implies that forex transactions are appropriate for all customers, or is not in accordance with the requirements set forth under NFA Compliance Rule 2-29 and the Interpretive Notices related to this rule. For example, you may not represent that forex funds deposited with a Member are "segregated" or given special protection under the bankruptcy laws. If an FDM or an IB represents that its services are commission free, it must prominently disclose how it is compensated in near proximity to this representation. Additionally, an FDM may not represent that a customer will have direct access to the interbank market since the FDM is actually the counterparty to every customer's forex transition. Similarly, no FDM that utilizes straight-through processing can suggest that they are not the counterparty to a customer's trade.

Additionally, an FDM or an IB may not represent that it offers "no-slippage" or can guarantee fills unless it can demonstrate that all orders on its platform have been executed at the price initially quoted when the order was placed on the platform and it does not have the authority to adjust customer accounts so as to have the effect of changing the price at which the order was executed. In other words, if an FDM "re-quotes" prices or has the contractual right to make adjustments that directly or indirectly change the price of an order after it is executed, it cannot claim to have no slippage.

Any reference to hypothetical performance results that could have been achieved using your trading system must comply with NFA Compliance Rule 2-29(c) and the related Interpretive Notice as if the performance results were for on-exchange transactions. Finally, promotional materials may never guarantee against loss.

Members remain responsible for meeting their regulatory obligations in situations where they utilize or promote forex trading systems developed by third parties. Specifically, an FDM has direct responsibility for misleading promotional material if the FDM prepares or distributes it; has agency responsibility if the trading system developer is an agent of the FDM under established principles of agency law; and has supervisory responsibility if the Member fails to supervise its own employees in its activities with a third-party system developer.

Members must maintain all promotional material for five years from the date of last use and must keep it readily accessible for the first two years. Furthermore, Members must maintain supporting documentation for all statements, claims and performance results included in promotional materials.